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Fan Favorite Masa Meals

#1 - The Tikka Tamale - Mark I. has a taste for an Indian spiced chicken tikka masala tamale.  This dish feature a yogurt and spice marinated chicken simmered in a creamy coriander spiced masala sauce used to fill our fluffy white-corn masa. The bright orange-red hue of the masala would be vibrant and delectable.

Although we don’t have any plans to make this tamale yet, we do think it sounds delicious.  As a simpler alternative to making your own tamales, you might try this recipe for chicken tika masala ( link in the email  -  Pair the chicken with a basmati rice and a Vegetable Curry tamale on the side.


#2 - Chocolate Cherry Bake - Patricia S. knows how to make our mouths water and our sweet-tooth tingle with her A chocolate-lovers dream.  Baked Chocolate & Cherry Tamales topped with toasted marshmallow, hot chocolate sauce and whipped cream.  This dessert is a snap with this simple recipe:

  • Defrost the Chocolate & Cherry Tamales and remove husks
  • Line a baking dish (that’s been sprayed with Pam) with the Tamales
  • Bake in preheated 350º oven for about 20 minutes
  • Drizzle with chocolate sauce and top with mini marshmallows
  • Put back in oven for about 10 minutes or until marshmallows are toasted golden brown
  • Top with whipped cream


#3 - Enchilada Style - Robyn B. shared this hot dish prepared in a similar fashion to enchiladas.  Simply replace enchiladas with your favorite tamales and voila you have a satisfying masa meal.

  • Defrost favorite tamales and remove husks
  • Arrange in an oven-safe baking dish
  • Smother with your favorite enchilada sauce or mole
  • Top with some grated cheese, diced onions and sliced chiles to taste
  • Bake in preheated 350º oven for about 30 minutes
  • Top with your favorite enchilada toppings like sour-cream or guacamole

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